Monday, April 29, 2013

South Trip: Alcoy, Cebu

      Since it's summer, my friends and I decided to go to the beach. An out of town trip was the decision to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and we're pretty sure the beaches in Mactan would be crowded and we were also looking for a cheaper accommodation.
    We decided to go to Tingko Beach in Alcoy since we've heard comments that this is a nice beach. And so, I searched online for possible accommodations. There were several resorts mentioned but one caught my attention since it has the same comment from different bloggers: very accommodating. The resort that I'm talking about is Cartagena Beachwalk Resort. I am really impressed because they were really accommodating and it feels like you're really part of the family. They would check up on you once in awhile to ask if you need anything. 
    Anyway, we arrived at Alcoy around two in the afternoon. We had a late lunch and after resting for a few minutes, we went to the beach. It was already low tide but we still decided to swim so that our day won't be wasted. We walked a few meters away where the white sand is, since there were a lot of seaweeds and rocks near the resort. We weren't able to stay longer in the water because we saw some jelly fishes and we started feeling itchy. So we went back to the resort and decided to prepare for our dinner. The owner even gave us a kaldero (pot) full of rice. And mind you, it's still hot... 
    After dinner 2 of our friends already went home since they can't stay overnight. The owners even offered to accompany them outside to wait for the bus. Excellent customer service, huh! The rest of us stayed outside our room and had a few drinks. We also played the famous Pinoy Henyo game from Eat Bulaga. We were only 5 girls and since it's an odd number, one decided to be our "timer" and "tanggera". We laughed out loud and had so much fun especially when the other pair was obviously cheating but still wasn't able to get a score. Hahahaha.. In the end, my partner and I won. The score was 4-2 and we realized that we're not really Henyos because it took us quite a long time to score (and to think the category was Easy.. hehehe).
     The next morning, after breakfast, we went for a swim. One of my friends decided to just stay in the room because she had rashes from the water. Earlier I mentioned that we started feeling itchy the previous day probably because of the jelly fishes. Lucky me, I was the only one who didn't have rashes/red spots in my body. But we still decided to go to the beach. We were glad that it's already high tide and the beach is really inviting because the water is blue and clear. We didn't feel itchy compared to the other day and there were a lot of people swimming and enjoying the water. 
    Overall, I had fun during this trip. Tingko Beach has clear water but the downside is, there are jelly fishes and a lot of seaweeds and the water causes itchiness. I am wishing that the people in Alcoy would join forces in cleaning the beach. Although the water is clear, I can't really say that it's clean because of the seaweeds,trash,etc. near the shore. Well, I am also hoping that the people visiting the beach would be responsible enough to throw their trash properly and not litter anywhere. 

Here are some of the pictures we took:
Entering municipality of Alcoy

Cartagena Beachwalk Resort
Cottages at Cartagena Beachwalk Resort
Low tide

Good Morning Alcoy!
Clear water
My friends and I with the owners of Cartagena Beachwalk Resort

P.S. I'll make another post about Cartagena Beachwalk Resort

Monday, April 22, 2013

My Death Song

No I don't wanna die.. not yet anyway. And I don't want to freak out my readers (if there are any). 

Each one of us has a particular song for every occasion/event (e.g. Break-up song, Theme song of your gf/bf, etc.) When I heard this song, I decided that I want this to be my 'death song'. I even imagined myself recording this song and by the time that I'm not in this world anymore, my family or friends will be playing this song that I recorded during my wake/burial. Creepy eh? Hehehe... Okay, maybe I'll have to think twice about that. :)

Anyway, here's the song:

"Dream" by Priscilla Ahn

I was a little girl

Alone in my little world
Who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees,
And fed my house guests bark and leaves,
And laughed in my pretty bed of green.

I had a dream

That I could fly
From the highest swing.
I had a dream.

Long walks in the dark

Through woods grown behind the park,
I asked God who I'm supposed to be.
The stars smiled down on me,
God answered in silent reverie.
I said a prayer and fell asleep.

I had a dream

That I could fly
From the highest tree.
I had a dream.

Now I'm old and feeling grey.

I don't know what's left to say
About this life I'm willing to leave.
I lived it full and I lived it well,
There's many tales I've lived to tell.
I'm ready now,
I'm ready now,
I'm ready now
To fly from the highest wing.

I had a dream.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lazy Sunday: Bonding with the 'rents

   My mother asked me if I wanted to go with her today to the parlor. I was quite hesitant because I just wanted to stay at home and watch some movies/TV series. She mentioned that I should dye my hair since it's too bright/reddish. And since she'll be paying (hehe), I said yes and thought that my hair really needs to be dyed since my natural color is now evident. So we waited for my father to come home from tennis so we could all go together.

I took photos before we went to the parlor (pls. don't mind my eye bags.. hahaha)

 And here's a picture of me about to have my hair dyed

My mother having her hair dyed too

Foot scrub for my father

Here's the finish product.

Before and after pictures - my hair is still a little bit light but at least it's not reddish anymore and I'm happy because my gray hair's not visible again.. teehee!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Money Matters


       Today, I met with my friend Serene to discuss some saving strategies (Ha!). We first went to National Bookstore because she wanted to buy a small organizer so she can write her expenses, savings, etc. because she admitted that she's really not an organized person. Afterwards, we headed to McDonald's and sat down. We discussed how much we usually receive every pay day and how much we want to save. I told her that the effective way in saving is to set an amount to save and when pay day comes, set aside first the money intended for savings and whatever is left, that would be spent on your daily expenses or shopping. This is what I usually do years before but due to some financial constraints, I haven't been doing this practice nowadays. Before, I was really good when it comes to savings. I would withdraw all of the money in my ATM, get the money for savings and hide it inside my drawer. The remaining money would be for my expenses, groceries or if I would want to buy something for myself. When the next pay day would come, and if there is still some money left from my previous salary, I'd add it to my savings. Now, I feel guilty because I don't have any savings yet (well, except for the 10peso and 5 peso coins I'm collecting and saving). I still have to pay off my credit card and it's taking me so long to pay everything because I just pay slightly above the minimum amount. Shucks! Anyway, I promise myself that I'll start saving again and hopefully stick to my plan to save at least 4-5K every pay day. (crossing my fingers!)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sart of Something New

       I decided to make a new blog because it's been years since my last entry in my other blog and for me to have a fresh start. Well, the main reason that I don't have much entries is because I don' know how to make a nice blog and I don't know what to write to make it interesting. hehe.. So I decided to try blogging again and I'm hoping that I'll be able to update this once in awhile. I'm not much of a writer so forgive me if I would make a lot of grammatical errors here. :)